Jay Leno Suffered 3rd Degree Burns After Blowing His Face Up While Working On A 115-Year-Old Steam Powered Car

Source - Jay Leno could have died in the fire that erupted in his Burbank garage -- it was that serious -- and we've learned it was a friend of his who may have saved his life.

Jay tells TMZ from his hospital bed ...  he was working on his 1907 White Steam Car in his famed garage this past Saturday, fixing a clogged fuel line. He says there was a fuel leak and gasoline sprayed on his face and hands. Almost simultaneously a spark triggered an explosion, setting the comedian on fire.

Jay says his quick-thinking buddy Dave was right there and jumped on him, quickly smothering the flames.

TMZ broke the story ... the left side of Jay's face was badly burned. His hands were burned as well. He says he's now dealing with 3rd-degree burns and may need skin grafts. As we reported, the burns did not damage his eyes or his ears.






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$600 MILLION and Jay Leno is still dicking around with cars. Not even cool ones, 115-year-old-steam-run-shit-boxes that blow up in your face. I'd ask why but I guess we already know…Jay loves cars. It really is as simple as that. He owns 181 of them and over 150 motorcycles. I'm sure a lot of them are cool, but the one that almost killed him is not. Here it is…




What an embarrassing obituary that would've been. "Former host of The Tonight Show dies working on antique car." Just hire someone, dude. I don't know what it is as about rich guys wanting to cosplay as poor but it's honestly bizarre. You're seventy-two years old, go enjoy your life.

Jay says he needs a week to get better, but if the rumors are true and he needs skin grafts it'll take longer than that. So here's to a speedy recovery, Jay. Hopefully history doesn't repeat itself.

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